1) In third grade, I told my teacher I was going to be a koala when I grew up. I was serious. My hopes and dreams died that day.
2) I only drink coffee on school days; not on weekends, holiday breaks, or summer breaks.
3) I have four fake teeth.
4) I once had a green station wagon.
5) Rather than washing dirty dishes, I often throw them away.
6) I hate hugs.
7) I once wore a tracksuit to a funeral.
8) I only like clear barrel blue Bic pens.
9) I haven't shopped for groceries since January.
10) I once chased my sister around with a dead fish and almost got strangled for it.
11) My bedtime is 8:05.
12) My closet is color coded, and I only use white hangers.
13) I have a super small foot--size 4.5.
14) I once had to do my laundry in the bathtub.
15) I can sing in the car for hours without missing one word.
16) One time I was pulled over for expired tags, but then also got written up for an old address on my license, and for not carrying an insurance card. (I didn't know I was supposed to have one. He asked for my insurance card, and I gave him my Humana card.)
17) I have like 47 pair of the same pants.
18) I have a natural talent for making up games in the swimming pool.
19) I can't swim, and I "drown" very often.
20) I was the youngest and shortest person in my high school graduating class.
21) I once went on a "Domino's buffalo wings diet". After that, a "Long Johns diet". No wonder I'm obese.
22) I don't like odd numbers. I'm not superstitious...I just like for things to be even.
23) At night, I lay everything out for the morning in the order I will need it. Also, after I feed the baby, I immediately set the high chair up for the next feeding...napkin, baby food, spoon, bib, etc.
24) I used to sing and dance in front of the window in my bedroom with one leg up on my foot board. I thought I looked cool. (That was in middle school. I don't do it now.)
25) In fourth grade my teacher made me mad, so I popped her brand new, large, inflatable globe that she treasured.
26) I only have Tervis Tumblers to drink out of.
27) Every day I match my Tervis to my outfit.
28) In my first few years of driving, I hit the following objects: 3 parked cars, 7 light poles, a row of mailboxes, a Sonic machine, an ATM machine, and an old man. (I called the police on two of those occasions and turned myself in...probably not the two you are thinking of.)
29) I auditioned for the role of young Jenny in Forrest Gump. I obviously didn't get it.
30) I did, however, make it into this cheesy music video, along with the rest of my family.
31) I only shave my legs on June 1st.
32) I started a hip hop dance club after school my first year of teaching. I don't dance.
33) I tried to mow my yard one time. My neighbor let me borrow his riding mower. I didn't know how to make a turn other than a circle. So, my yard looked like a giant crop circle. I've never mowed since.
34) I don't own a coat.
35) I don't own a watch.
36) I am pretty sure I have Misophonia. I cannot stand to hear people eat.
37) I never wanted to go to college.
38) My nieces call me "Ninny" because of a joke.
39) I really love granny panties.
40) My first job was as a telemarketer.
41) My Christmas tree and packages have to match my living room.
42) I just learned that my eyes are hazel, not green.
43) I once ran through a screen door.
44) I am only 3/4" taller than the requirement to be in a booster seat.
45) Everything in my house has to be symmetrical.
46) I have no color in my house. Everything is neutral.
47) I once had the cops called on me in high school because my teacher thought she heard me say I was going to bomb the school. I never said that.
48) I am terrified of cave crickets. I used to call my old neighbor crying every time I saw one. He would come and kill it. I am sure that he's glad I moved.
49) I am a reading teacher, but I do not like to read.
50) I sometimes think I look like a ferret.