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I'm a single foster mother who loves spending time with my sweet little one, traveling, and making memories. I am a Reading Interventionist at an elementary school and love what I do!
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Saturday, February 5, 2011

Perfect Scents

I love candles, and anything that smells good. I especially love to burn candles at school, in my classroom. The only problem with that is that I'm not too great at remembering to blow them out at the end of the day. Many times I would be at home, in my pajamas, and think "did I blow that candle out?" Well, that means I would have to drive back to school to double check--only to find out that I had blown it out, and wasted a trip. That got annoying after about two times.

Not too long ago, my neighbor told me about Scentsy, a company that sells wax burners and amazing scents. I checked out the catalog and was so surprised at the prices! You know how a lot of home party companies are...the prices are crazy! Well, Scentsy was more than reasonable and ended up being A LOT cheaper than the candles I was buying.

Here's how it works.

First, you need a warmer. You can get three different sizes, ranging from $20-$30. The warmers use a light bulb, so it's perfectly safe if you forget to turn it off. There are tons of styles...you can even get a warmer with your favorite college logo!

Next, add your favorite Scentsy scent to your warmer. There are over 80 scents to choose from. You can purchase a bar of your favorite scent for only $5. You just break off a couple of cubes and add them to the warmer.

You will be amazed at just how great your room will smell with Scentsy products. Not only are the prouducts wonderful, but they are so affordable. (I always used Yankee candles, and one candle cost around $25...with Scentsy, you can get a warmer and a few scent bars for about $35. This lasts a lot longer!)  Unlike a lot of other home party companies, Scentsy offers FREE SHIPPING! Pretty great!

Here are some more great products that Scentsy offers:

These cute Scentsy Buddies are stuffed animals for kids. You just slide a Scent Pak into the animal and it makes a sweet smelling buddy for any child.

Have a scent that you love? You can buy a gigantic brick. It lasts forever!

You can also get your favorite scents in a room spray! Perfect for a quick pick me up in any room.

Well, I am now selling Scentsy, so I'll be glad to help you get started! You can host a party in your home, or a basket party. Everyone will find something that they like! You'll get free product, and everyone will get free shipping! The best part? Shipping is super fast! Let me know if you'd like to host a party, smell the scents, or try out any of the products. I really love this product, and I'm sure you will too. Check out my website, and let me know if you have any questions. https://amandalt30.scentsy.us/

Also, during the month of February, most of the products in the catalog are 10% off, so this is a great time to order!


Jordan said...

Yay! You will love selling Scentsy! It is a great company to work for and the products are awesome :) Good luck!

Amanda said...

Thanks! I'm excited.

Rebecca said...

I love black rasperry vanilla.

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